Our Services

Registrar of companies services
PLC Registration
PBC Registration
Name search
Change of directors
Annual returns
Accounting/Financial Services
Payroll administration
$200 11 employees or less, $300 11-30, $500 above 30 p/m
Periodic financial statements
from $300
Stock management
Cashflow projections

* Bespoke services without a listed price. Please contact us for a quote.

Tax services
ZIMRA Registration
Tax Clearance
Tax Clearance Renewal
VAT Registration
PAYE (including calculations)
$100 per return
PAYE (excluding calculations)
$70 per return
VAT (including calculations)
$150 per return
VAT (excluding calculations)
$100 per return
Income tax return (including calculations)
$400 per return
Income tax return (excluding calculations)
Transfer pricing return
Transfer Pricing documentation
$1 300
$100 per return
Other Services
PRAZ Registration
Vendor Number
NSSA Registration
Company Profiles
Business proposals
Business plan
Internal audit services
Website design
Website and email hosting
$10 p/m
Social media and website chatbots
Business cards (100 cards)
Logo design
Tax consulting
Accounting software and training
Customized inventory & stock management systems

* Bespoke services without a listed price. Please contact us for a quote.